Kilcodo Costumes Fursuit Quote Form

Your Name:
Email Address:
Twitter Handle (if you wish to share):
Character Name for Fursuit:
Preferred Completion Date or Convention:
What is your preferred budget?
For shipping purposes, in which country are you located?
Species of Fursuit:
Gender of Fursuit:
Do you have reference art? (some form of character reference, visual or written, is required to create your costume)
Type of Costume (if you'd like something different, please mention it in the comment box):
Fur Colors (please consider not all fur colors can be matched perfectly):
Hair Color(s):
Eye Color(s):
Nose Color:
Style of Nose
Style of Eyes:
Handpaws - Number of Digits (including thumb)
Pawpad Color(s):
Claw Color(s):
Style of Feetpaws:
What Type of Expression?
Style of Tail:
Other Options (check all that apply): Poseable Ears
Removable Eyelids
Head Zipper for Glasses
I would like this to be a Creative License commission
Post Links to Ref Art here - you may also tell about any special requests or important information.
Who will be assuming financial responsibility for this costume?
I agree to the following: 1. I have read the Terms of Service. 2. I understand that commissioning a costume requires a 30% non-refundable deposit from a consenting person above 18 years of age. 3. I understand that Kilcodo Costumes does not offer digitgrade padding, realistic suits, LEDs, or moving jaws. 4. I understand that reference art of my character (if applicable) must be 100% accurate to ensure the costume matches the design. I agree.

This contact form was created by Freedback.